(818) 788-HOPE (4673)
Grief Support Groups Serving West Los Angeles, Encino and Agoura Hills


We sincerely appreciate your interest in the work of HOPE Connection. Donations go directly towards maintaining all programs. With continued support like yours, we can provide ongoing educational and support services. We thank you in advance for your generosity!!

Donations to HOPE Connection keep our program running and help us to help you. There are many ways in which you can donate to HOPE Connection and know that you have done a good thing for the community.

Donation Envelopes: We have tribute envelopes available for all donations, including various occasions: birthday, wedding, anniversary, memorial, confirmation, get well, holiday and other. When you contribute in someone’s name, your gift will be acknowledged with a gracious card sent to the person or family you designate. If you contact us, we’d be happy to send you donation envelopes for your use.

Attend Our Fundraisers: Look for announcements of time and place in the HOPE Connection email newsletter.

Gifts to Our Endowment Fund: Please consider HOPE Connection as a part of your annual charitable giving and estate planning. Tribute envelopes are available.


HOPE Connection sincerely appreciates your consideration of grants. Thank you!

HOPE Connection is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.