(818) 788-HOPE (4673)
Grief Support Groups Serving West Los Angeles, Encino and Agoura Hills

Find Peace and Healing with QiGong

Diane Dalbey, PhD. is a BodyMind Therapist, specializing in pain and trauma. She studied medical QiGong in Los Angeles and at the International Medical QiGong Institute in Beijing. She teaches QiGong and often uses Medical QiGong in her private practice, as a partner to many other therapies. You can visit her website at DrDianeDalbey.com. Diane is also an advocate of healing through…

HOPE Group Members Speak: Bill

Grief Support Los Angeles The mission of HOPE Connection is to help people whose lives have been touched by the death of a loved one – by providing individual and group support, educational programs and information that helps
 alleviate the pain of grief and promote healing. In this series of videos, Group Members share what HOPE Connection has meant to them.

Clean Eating

Avoid Foods that are Processed, Preserved, Refined, and Sodium Heavy When you eat lots of processed, preserved and refined foods loaded with sugar such as store bought cookies, cakes and candy, salty foods like potato chips and pretzels, packaged foods with lists of chemicals you can barely pronounce and drink soft drinks and liquor in excess, how do you usually feel afterwards?…

Oh No, The Holidays Are Here!

A lot has been written about “getting through the holidays.” But, for someone who is grieving, words of hope and comfort can never be said often enough. This week, virtually on the eve of both Christmas and Hanukkah, the visual cues announcing the holidays are almost overwhelming. Lights, decorations are everywhere, triggering feelings of loss and loneliness. Now, words of encouragement are…

HOPE Group Members Speak: Ruthie

Grief Support Group Los Angeles The mission of HOPE Connection is to help people whose lives have been touched by the death of a loved one – by providing individual and group support, educational programs and information that helps
 alleviate the pain of grief and promote healing. In this series of videos, Group Members share what HOPE Connection has meant to them.…

From Loneliness Blooms Connectedness

As both a HOPE Connection Therapist and an alumna of HOPE’s support groups, Evelyn has a unique and insightful perspective on grieving, healing and the upcoming holidays, which she shares here. Grief and loneliness brings a feeling of a “hole in my heart’” that cannot easily be bandaged. The connection of loneliness to grief is strong and indeed a profound feeling. It’s…

Parent Loss Groups

A bereavement group for adult children who are grieving the death of a parent. Groups meet weekly in an eight-week series and are facilitated by licensed therapists. Download the flyer for more information.  Saturday, 9:30 – 11:00 am HOPE Haven – 11850 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200A WLA 90025 Tuesday, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Encino – Exact location to be determined Wednesday, 7:00…

Grieving Through The Holidays

By Fern Lippert, Licensed Marriage Family Therapist Holidays are normally a time of rejoicing, sharing meals with loved ones, and carrying out the family traditions. Unfortunately, this year for many that has changed. A loved one is no longer there and now holidays can be a time of tremendous sadness. It reminds us of what we no longer have. We often wonder, “How…