(818) 788-HOPE (4673)
Grief Support Groups Serving West Los Angeles, Encino and Agoura Hills

Myths Related To Grieving A Parent

It can be 20 days or 20 years since your parent(s) has died and still there is a painful nostalgia that accompanies thoughts and reflections on our lives when our parent(s) was alive. Whether you perceived your parent as a loving parent or an unloving parent, this remains true. In one way or another we register the uniqueness of our relationship with…

The Healing Power of Books

Maryann Ridini Spencer is the author of Lady in the Window, a new novel Capturing Aloha Magic, Hope, Healing & the Infinite Mother-Daughter Bond. Please visit her website at MaryannRidiniSpencer.com. In October, 2014 I learned the devastating news that my mother was suffering from a massive brain tumor. Doctors gave her six to eight months to live. As it turned out, we celebrated…

HOPE Group Members Speak: Ronnie

Grief Support Groups Los Angeles The mission of HOPE Connection is to help people whose lives have been touched by the death of a loved one – by providing individual and group support, educational programs and information that helps
 alleviate the pain of grief and promote healing. In this series of videos, Group Members share what HOPE Connection has meant to them.…

Wanted: Experienced Therapists To Join The HOPE Community

HOPE Connection is a nonprofit specializing in community grief group support. Our groups are located in West Los Angeles, Encino and Westlake Village. Currently, we’re seeking licensed therapists experienced in private practice who are interested in facilitating grief groups. Training/experience in grief work is preferred. Training/experience in group facilitation is required. We’re looking for professionals who are team players, flexible, willing to…

Why I Created Grief Yoga

Paul Denniston is a yoga teacher who has combined the ancient art of yoga in a new way to heal grief. Paul has studied under yoga masters Seane Corn and Gurmukh, and also studied extensively with grief expert David Kessler. He is certified in Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow, Kundalini Yoga, Laughter Yoga. Paul has taught Grief Yoga to therapists in the United…

HOPE Group Members Speak: Julien

Grief Support Los Angeles The mission of HOPE Connection is to help people whose lives have been touched by the death of a loved one – by providing individual and group support, educational programs and information that helps
 alleviate the pain of grief and promote healing. In this series of videos, Group Members share what HOPE Connection has meant to them.

HOPE Group Members Speak: Donna

Grief Support Los Angeles The mission of HOPE Connection is to help people whose lives have been touched by the death of a loved one – by providing individual and group support, educational programs and information that helps
 alleviate the pain of grief and promote healing. In this series of videos, Group Members share what HOPE Connection has meant to them.